While we will continue to offer the exemplary therapeutic care and research for which we are renowned, we’re introducing new initiatives that will bring skilled therapists together with those most in need of therapy. We are working with businesses to build greater emotional intelligence and protect employees from burnout. We are at the forefront of research into holistic mental health and wellbeing, applying these innovative approaches in client care to reduce reliance on medication and build greater resilience. As time goes on, our reach will expand and develop, helping us achieve our goal of lasting societal change.
Whether you are an individual, a family or a business, London Trusted Therapy offers exceptional care and the best possible results from leading therapists, psychiatrists and coaches, pioneering new approaches to holistic mental health.
Found online therapy to be as effective or more have effective than traditional therapy.
Online therapy is more convenient than traditional therapy for you to fit a session into your day.
Percantage of clients experiencing clinically significant change within first 3 months.